

如果世上真有穿着灰色大衣的时间盗贼, 为什么他们偷不走默默的时间?

而那些被时间盗贼偷去时间的人民, 生命又会变成什么画面?

随着经济的发展, 当物质主义席卷世界的风潮中, 人们一味地追求效率, 速度而丧失了纯真的人性。人们被时间禁绝起来, 开始拒绝爱, 也拒绝付出爱。


但有没有人发现, 其实时间是生命, 而生命就在我们的心中。

A full-length theatre production created for the Youth!

"If you could trade your time for more time, If you could trade something precious for more time, would you and what would you trade?"

Momo is a mysterious orphan who appears in a city one day. People soon drawn to her for her extraordinary ability to listen and she made many wonderful friends. She would spend afternoons just listening to their problem or playing with the children.

However, things changed when a group of Men in Gray appears. They instigate people to stop spending "unnecessary time" and deposit it into a time bank instead. Soon, people start to not have time for each other and lost the ability to love and care...

